Hi friends, I decided to make a step by step for this nymph that I use with success in almost all waters especially when I used long nymphing in ginger clear rivers with medium or small current.
To tie a micro baetis nymph that should work you should take in consideration 2 aspects : size and slim profile. Small size starting from #16 and down to #20 is the proper dimension. The profile should be slim and delicate, similar with natural insect. Because I use UV coating, the fly will sink fast and will have a minimum water resistance. If you make these flies with thick bodies and big, will not sink fast enough and will behave unnatural to fish. So if you want to have not only nice flies but alto efficient please stay stick with these recommendations.
Hooks: Maruto Dohitomi C46WBL in size #16-18 or Daiichi D1130 #16-20.
Thread: UTC 70 Denier olive or cream or even 8/0 Uni in colors to match the local insects colors
Tail: partridge barbs
Hot Spot: white pearl UV Ribbing fibers
Bead: 2mm or 1.5mm tungsten bead
Coating: UV Resin – what you like, for me works excellent Trout Line Classic UV Resin
After fixing the tail make a slim body profile using the same tying thread:
Make the pearl hot spot using the ribbing material
Use a red marker for making a contrast type of hot spot
Apply one layer of uv resin and the baetis fly will be ready.
Here is a photo with resin used:
Have fun tying and tight lines!
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