Do you need inspiration? If you don’t know what fly to tie or what to try, it’s no problem, I propose a relatively simple fly to make with simple and readily available materials.
Now in the water, because the heat has come and summer has started, it is full of small insects like Baetis, Mayflies, Heptageniidae, Caenidae and Crawler Mayflies. Generally speaking with only 3 colors, you can cover the entire spectrum of these insects that represent the main food source for trout and grayling.
Yellow colored nymphs:
In general, the yellow color is effective everywhere in June and July. Flies made with yellow and small enough imitate baetis very well.

Then the olive:

In acidic waters with a lot of silt and peat, I noticed that darker colors such as brown are more often found in insects:

Materials used:
- Hook: Daiichi 1190 BL
- Thread: 8/0 Textreme or any you like, I used brown
- Tail: partridge barbs
- Weight: tungsten bead or tungsten wire ( more ecological friendly than lead wire )
- Body: Troutline goose biots dyed in yellow, golden olive and brown
- Thorax: squirrel dubbing in yellow and rusty color
- Back: made of body thread ( Stomach from Veevus or Polyfloss from Textreme )
- Legs: partridge barbs
I really like these small flies made with biot. The French fishermen use condor substitute which is actually turkey biot. I like the goos biot because the barbs are tapered, beautifully colored and offer an appearance very close to that of natural insects. In addition, it is also very resistant.
I forgot to tell you about the fishing technique: using a floating line with a dry fly rod – the same setup for dry fly gishing because these nymphs are not very heavy, they can be launched easily. Where you see a trout rising, launch one meter upstream of it and let the fly flow with the current.
Another possibility to fish it using wet style or like you fish with sipders: 3 quarters downstream and play it in the film of the water or in the current.
In strong currents, you can fish the versions with tungsten in any style you like: Czech, French or at using long nymphing. They will catch fish anyway because they are very efficient 🙂

June 9, 2023
Lucian, excellent as always the representation of the nymphs and perfect description of the most specialized and difficult technique of Pam, invented by the great lawyer George Edward Mckenzie.