Here is a super simple PT tied on jig hook. This nymph is an all around pattern and together with natural pheasant brown, it should be in everybody box. I like these flies because they are easy to tie and effective almost everywhere. I fished these flies from Poland to Slovenia and Lapland. I had great fish on it 🙂
I’m sure that this pattern is quite well known, I wonder wich other colors do you guys use?
- Materials:
- -hook: Hanak 480 in 14-16
- -thread – Sumo Power 50DEN A2
- Hot Spot : Perdigon Body Thread: A3
- Body: pheasant barbs in black
- Bibbing: silver wire
- -thorax made of white spectra with green reflexes (frosty ice)
- -legs made of black cdc barbs.
- -Weight: pink tungsten beads – slotted

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