Fishing with buzzers on lakes but not from boats is demanding. You need a good rod, good lines and proper buzzers.
I like to go fishing on Alpine lakes because these are not very big and are not very deep too. So with a size #5 or 6 rod with a good floating line , if you are good at casting and you can trow at 20-25m you can catch nice fish!
My technique is simple, I’m looking to fish using wind. I cast in 30-45 degree with wind direction and I use the find drift. I pull the line slowly in figure “8” and I keep the tip of the rod at 5-10cm from the water surface.
I use 2 buzzers all the time, on top a simple buzzer and on a dropper, at 80cm-120cm an emerger buzzer. I had all the time great success and I like more this technique more than streamer fishing.
A few buzzers:
And a beautiful wild Alpine brown trout:
So don’t forget, in Alpine lakes buzzers are an important source of food for fish and having with you a few good flies will give you a big smile on your face at the end of the day 🙂
March 2, 2022
Could you send me the recipe or material list for these buzzers. Very interesting article. I love your article and your interest in fly fishing.
March 3, 2022
Hi Gerald,
Thanks for your message and interest in these flies:)
Olive: body made of olive thread combined with olive mad rabbit dubbing.
Ribbing: troutline uv ribbing fiber -white pearl
Black1: body made of pheasant in black.
Ribbing troutline uv ribbing fiber -white pearl combined with red wire.
Dubbing black mad rabbit where I took out the underfur as much as possible. Seal can be a great option
Black2: body made of black mad rabbit dubbing.
Ribbing troutline uv ribbing fiber -white pearl combined with red wire.
Dubbing black mad rabbit where I took out the underfur as much as possible and I combined with seal substitute dubbing in red.
Black3: body made of black pheasant.
Ribbing troutline uv ribbing fiber -purple pearl combined with red wire.
Dubbing black mad rabbit.