Green Buggy Nymph

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Here's another simple yet highly effective nymph for spring fishing. With its super buggy appearance, I tie it in a minimalist style—just a body, thorax, and ribbing. One thing I've noticed is that the pearly UV effect from the ribbing adds a beautiful translucency to the fly, making it far more attractive than traditional solid-colored ...

Need Early Season Inspiration? This Green Perdigon Is a Must-Try!

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When the season begins, visibility can be a challenge—murky water, snowy water. low light or too bright light, and fish still adjusting to changing conditions. That’s when a bright, high-contrast nymph can make all the difference. This Green Perdigon, tied by my Spanish friend Dudu Sanz, is a perfect choice and I used it several ...

Catgut Cripple Baetis Nymph

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you can tie Baetis nymphs using all sorts of materials, but this particular version stands out. The material used in this fly offers a unique translucency and texture that no other material can replicate. Catgut is one of the most natural materials available, providing an unmatched realism to any fly tied with it. Baetis nymphs are ...