Green Buggy Nymph

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Here's another simple yet highly effective nymph for spring fishing. With its super buggy appearance, I tie it in a minimalist style—just a body, thorax, and ribbing. One thing I've noticed is that the pearly UV effect from the ribbing adds a beautiful translucency to the fly, making it far more attractive than traditional solid-colored ...

Need Early Season Inspiration? This Green Perdigon Is a Must-Try!

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When the season begins, visibility can be a challenge—murky water, snowy water. low light or too bright light, and fish still adjusting to changing conditions. That’s when a bright, high-contrast nymph can make all the difference. This Green Perdigon, tied by my Spanish friend Dudu Sanz, is a perfect choice and I used it several ...

Brown Biot Nymph

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This fly is incredibly easy to tie and, in my opinion, serves as an excellent alternative to the pheasant tail nymph. I particularly love how the biot provides beautiful segmentation for the bodies and allows for creative use of dyes to achieve a wide range of colors. Moreover, these flies are exceptionally durable because biot ...