This nymph is a slightly more complicated fly to make because it has more elements and because it requires a little more skill. But it's very fun to do. If you do it in small sizes, it is very effective for any type of fish (trout, grayling, even coregon and chub ) . Tying tips: use ...
Tying a Black and Red Wet Fly for Trout fishing
This model is a highly effective fly for trout and grayling fishing. Its unique combination of a black spiky body with red synthetic dubbing provides an irresistible color contrast and movement that no fish can resist. I like this model not only because it's fun to make but also because of its efficiency. It is one ...
Video- Tying a Pheasant Tail Nymph with Partridge legs
Here is my version of Pheasant Tail Nymph. It's a somewhat classic version made on hooks with a long shank, Tiemco has a perfect model for it. The legs are made of partridge, which gives it an extra contrast. Some guys tie the fly as thin as possible, others more bulky. I prefer to make ...
Video-Tying and Octopus Black Nymph
If you want to diversify your models, then you can consider the octopus nymphs. These hybrid type flies with an undefined allure that have a cdc collar with long barbels imitate both nymphs and emergers. This is an extraordinary advantage and in addition, the CDC is very mobile, it moves even if the fly is ...
Video – Tying a red spotted peacock quill nymph
here is a specialised nymph designed for targeting trout and grayling, meticulously crafted for optimum performance using the Euro Nymphing Technique or Fishing on Sight/Peche a Vue. This technique involves casting in front of the fish and animating the fly to provoke a strike. This fly adheres to the best practices of Euro Nymphing, featuring a ...
Video- Tying and Octopus Quill Nymph
Here is the video where you can see the tying steps:
Video -Tying a Cinnamon Caddis with CDC, Kapok and Woodcock wing
Everyone ties the Cinnamon Caddis because it's a popular fly in Europe. Countless models and methods to create this fly can be found on YouTube. However, I have my own way of tying it because I prioritise three things: achieving a perfect waterprint ensuring good floating in the water making the fly without relying on pretentious and ...
Video -Tying a multicolour Perdigon with Hends Pearlescent Quill
Here is a video about tying a perdigon nymph using this new tinsel from Hends: Pearlescent Quill. The result is excellent, I like how the colors change depending on how the light falls. I have noticed that the material can stretch a little, which leads to its thinning but also to the color change. My conclusion ...
Video -Tying an Egg Laying CDC Sedge
I recently posted this video on Youtube about this sedge. I have received questions about why I am doing an under body. There are two reasons: I use kapok that does not soak in water and improves the floatability To give a little thickness to the body because insects also have a thicker, more consistent body. Tying ...
Video – How I tie a biot nymph
Here is a video about my way of tying these biot nymphs. I hope you find it interesting and usefull. Materials used: Hook: Daiichi 1190 BL – I prefer size #16-18 Thread: 8/0 Textreme or any you like, I used brown Tail: partridge barbs Weight: tungsten bead or tungsten wire ( more ecological friendly than lead wire ) Body: Troutline goose biots dyed in yellow Thorax: squirrel dubbing in yellow Back: made of ...