Fishing with jig nymphs is not new but also not very popular between fishermen. Fishing with dry flies is considered “crème de la crème” in fly fishing but sometimes this style is not working. Probably is too cold outside, or there is no hatch or only the River God knows why. For these reasons fishing with nymphs is an alternative.
But there is a problem with nymph fishing because is not an easy style: you have to be a good water reading, to find the spots with fish and to be able to choose the adequate flies. Then you go close enough to not scare the fish, to be able to cast your flies and maintain the best contact with your line. Is well known if you don’t snag or touch the bottom of the river , your flies are not in the feeding area. If the flies are going too high in the water column, no fish will pick them. So snagging the nymphs is good. But here we have a problem – snagging the flies on the rocks or submersed woods and roots usually will end with loosing them. Unfortunately a lot of flies will be wasted between rocks. Having at least 5 for each size/type is a must for a nympho-fisherman.
Loosing nymphs is not the great moment in fishing time, you have to see if you have the same nymph in the box and to make a new nymphing leader. You will loos also a lot of precious time doing this. The nymphomaniacs invented or we can say that they developed a new breed of nymphs: those tied on jigs. These nymphs will stay in water with the tip of the hook in upper position! Means less snags, better presentation ( the fly will stay mostly more parallel compared with the classic nymph presented almost perpendicular on the river bottom. The position is more anatomical an close to the insect swimming positions.
Another great plus when you use jig nymphs is that the fisherman detect more better the river bottom because the bead will touch the rocks and not the body or tip of the hook like in the case with nymphs tied on classic hooks.
So please find bellow a few jig flies that we use a lot and we had successfully days:
Tactical PT Orange Spot BL Jig:
Is an all around fly. In the Summer and Autumn time is our most used nymph. When we talk about river where high fishing pressure is typical, we use this fly as a searching pattern. Depending how fish respond, weincrease or decrease the size or we combine this jig nymph with a classic nymph or spider fly. Works for trout and grayling almost all the time!
Tactical PT UV Blue Spot BL Jig:
Is our new secret weapon and we use it for trout and grayling when we go on rivers with high fishing pressure or we have to fish in Competitions!
Tactical PT UV Orange Spot BL Jig
Troutline Tactical J03 Specialist
Is a jig nymph like J01, but is tied with body made of pheasant barbs and no tail. Grayling pays a lot of attention when is picky and he is “tasting” the flies. He will spit fast any fly with tail. We tied this fly for these kind of situations.
Tactical J01 Specialist:
Is a nymph developed for spooky fish like wild trout and grayling from rivers from Slovenia. On those rivers you will find a lot of fishermen, fishing pressure is very high. Also the rule “one fly only” makes the fishing very difficult. So we developed these flies for those situations.
Tactical Black Stimulator BL Jig:
The fly is perfect for deep pools and for muddy waters ( after a strong rain) .
Works for trout and if is tied on size #16 or #18 will work for grayling too.
Tactical GRHE and Partridge BL Jig:
It is one of our favourite nymph that we use when the fishing season starts. It is absolutely fabulous for trout fishing behind big rocks or playing in deep pools.
September 7, 2017
wow these flies are awesome. what is the dubbing material you are using on the pheasant tail nymphs at the top and what colour
September 7, 2017
wow these flies look amazing. what is the dubbing and colour on the pheasant tail nymphs at the top
September 8, 2017
Hi Brad,
Thank you, I’m glad that you like the flies:)
All natural dubbing is Mad Rabbit Dubbing – natural color
The synthetic mix in purple used is this one:- purple