Something that I had in mind for several days : nymphs for starting season. My flies for starting season are different from what I use in Summer and Autumn because water is different and fish behaves different.
Usually in March water is very cold and fish can be found in 2 places depending of how cold and sunny it outside.
When is cloudy, cold and rainy fish stay are located:
- deep pools behind big rocks and serious structure
- close to deep and strong currents on the both sides of it
- close to river bottom
When is sunny and warm fish change the location:
- close to river bank hunting for swimming insects
- in medium or shallow water where water temperature accelerate the insect metabolism
- under the branches
- stays in tail areas of strong currents
Trout and grayling eat consistent insects able to provide huge amount of energy: stone flies, big sedge flies and swimming mayflies. They love also earth worms and garden worms and of course leeches and small fry fish.
Based on these facts I recommend to all beginners to take in consideration a few ideas and tips for better fishing
Use big tungsten beads.
A big bead will not scare the fish because after a long winter time, fish is hungry and he forgot the fishing pressure from previous season.

A heavy nymph tied with big tungsten bead will sink fast. It will arrive quickly in the feeding area in deep pools and deep currents.

Add hackle to your nymphs to provide extra movement.
Add some hackle to movement. Anything that moves and don’t behaves like a stone will make the fish to pay attention at it. He will be prepared to take that “piece of food”

Tie big and consistent flies.
Big juicy insects provide a big quantity of energy. After a long winter with less insects trout and grayling have the energy resources almost ended. In Spring they will look after water worms, big stone flies and big caddis flies. These insects represent for our fish what a “big steak of beef” represents for a hard worker: a considerable source of energy.

Use buggy looking nymphs
It seems that trout love spiky and full of dubbing flies. GRHE, bugger nymphs are very efficient in the first weeks. In some places they work fantastic well entire season.

I hope that these ideas help and gave you something to think about and to test.
Due to this dramatic situation generated by Corona Virus, we have to stay in our houses. Unfortunately we cannot go fishing. At least we have time to tie and fill our boxes with new models 🙂
Please all stay safe!
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