After years of fishing in North, up in Lapland, I decided in the last moment to spend a few days of fishing in Jamtland. I started with 3 days on Giman river. For those who do not know so much about fishing in Sweden, Jamtland is a area in the middle of the country. There you will find some of the nicest rivers with great access from road to the best spots. Fishing licenses for Giman are not cheap, around 30eur which I consider quite expensive compared with other rivers from this region. Spots on Giman are not so many like you will find on others but the river is very convenient for local guys ( close to Ostersund – the main city from Jamtland )
After 3 hours on plane I arrived in Stockholm, I rent a car and I hit the road in Bräcke direction. I arrived there at the end of August, a little bit too late because was cold, windy and rainy. I fished almost in all days at 5-8 Celsius degrees with sessions of strong winds.

Me, Mihai and Fernando, my friends we rent a nice cabin at Albackens Jakt- & Fiskecamp, a great place by the way. We arrived there after 6 hours of driving late in the night. Next day, early as possible after a coffee we started the fishing on cold and rainy weather
I’m not a good story teller so I will let the photos bellows speak by themselves :_

Despite of the bad weather we started to catch grayling after grayling.

Then we changed the spot and sun started to warm us a little bit 🙂

Another spot changed after a difficult walk in forest:

I never visited Sweden so late. I always fish there in July and in the first days from August. I considered this trip the most difficult and technical fishing trip in 15 years of fishing each Summer due to difficult weather. But I enjoyed so much! Grayling and trout was not responsive like in Summer time and it was very difficult to find the good spots. I noticed that the grayling was located in deep pools or in lakes(not in rapids). Mihai spotted nice trout in deep canals in rapids but only in their upper parts.
We catch a lot of grayling but many specimens had the mouth broken or ripped. I’m sure that is happening when you fish with lures like spinning lures with anchors. I personally ban these type of hooks which provoke so many damages.
Despite that trout catch there was fabulous super fighting beasts!
Oh, I forgot to write about flies. This time was damn difficult to find the flies. Maybe because finding fish was the first problem, hahah:)
I had fish on squirmy but not so easy like in other years. Then I used a lot my series of spiders tied as nymphs. The red and red version worked great:

Another one is my favorite black perdigon with double colored hot spot:

And a new fly that I like more and more after testing it entire Summer and Autumn:

Soon I will add some photos about fishing on Harkan which is on second place on my list with favorite rivers from Jamtland
October 6, 2021
Nice job! Good team!