Ready for Spring fishing? If you are looking for a good pattern, then take a look at this fly. This model is a generic mayfly nymph tied with biot and brown back thorax cover. The fly can be tied in all sizes . I usually prefer the size #14 and #16 but sometimes I make it in #18 or even on #20.
-hook: 2x long #16 ( here I used a tiemco hook )
-underbody thread – perdigon flat body thread
-tail: mallard barred barbs
-body: peacock quill from primary feathers but any biots from turkey to goose will work.
-back: brown perdigon body thread coated with Troutline UV brown resin
-thorax made of mad rabbit dubbing in yellow mixed with a little bit of olive
-legs made of partridge barbs
-tying thread: Sumo Power 50DEN in yellow.

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