Green Buggy Nymph

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Here’s another simple yet highly effective nymph for spring fishing. With its super buggy appearance, I tie it in a minimalist style—just a body, thorax, and ribbing. One thing I’ve noticed is that the pearly UV effect from the ribbing adds a beautiful translucency to the fly, making it far more attractive than traditional solid-colored wire (like gold, copper, or silver).

What does this fly imitate? Honestly, I’m not entirely sure—probably caddis larvae or emerging mayflies. But what I do know is that it works exceptionally well in rivers with greenish or light-colored stones and gravel. In calcareous or sandstone-dominated riverbeds, this fly is an absolute killer!

If you want to tie a few, I highly recommend going big—size 12 to 14 hooks will give you the best results. Give it a try and see how it performs in your waters!

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