GRHE is awell known nymph which is used all over the world. There are many variations on this theme. Some are better, others are less good. The classic model will always be effective because it is a universal model and because it imitates several insects at the same time.
The variant I present is super simple, without complications. Only hare hair dubbing, tinsel gold and CDC hackle. It is a model for spring and summer, a model that is as simple to make as it is effective. I always use it when I start fishing. Depending on how the fish respond, I change it to PT or stay on the type of buggy models
- Jig hook Demmon ST320 size #14
- Thread: brown or cream
- Tail: Coq de Leon corzuno claro or medio
- Ribbing: gold
- Body: Super spike dubbing
- Hackle/Legs : CDC Khaki Campbell -2 turns mixed with super spike dubbing and fixed in dubbing loop
- Bead: Tungsten in silver. Always silver because is more efficient than gold
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