We are very happy to announce you that we have a new Pro Team member from Czech Republic: Jan Tomeček .
He is talented fly tier who is very active in tying world from Czech Republic. He is a great photographer and his flies are beautifully photographed and published on Instagram and Facebook.
I invite you all to check his Instagram account his Facebook account to see his flies because they are fantastic source of inspiration 🙂

A few words about him:
My name is John, I’m from the Czech Republic from the city of Zlin. I started fishing in 2000 and fly fishing since 2003 under the supervision of my grandfather. I started tying flies actively from 2014 until then I only tied for my pleasure. My hobbies are photography and video shooting and as the main fly fishing and fly tying. I Like to tie wet and dry patterns. I catch a lot of fishing other than trout and grayling. I catch fish like barbels, chubs and others. If you have a trip to the Czech Republic and want to help with fishing or information write to me on Facebook or Instagram. I will be happy to show you our landscape and fish.
FB: https://www.facebook.com/dzoncek.tomeczek J.T. Fly tying FB: https://www.facebook.com/jtflytying/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jtflytying/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO0XFUqc3qTuS9a8Fp-TIEQ

April 15, 2020
I believe it is peacock quill.