Enjoying nature and fishing is the greatest pleasure for a fly-fisherman. A dirty river, full of litter, spoils the pleasure and it’s also upsetting.
Many of us, just point the finger, without doing anything to change the situation. But each of us can do something, and little by little cleanups can make the litter disappear! It is not difficult to fill up a fishing net with litter! We can put it in the car and then throw it away at the next bin on our way home!
Your effort will be rewarded by TroutLine!
*We have prepared coupons for those who send us photos with the litter they have collected.
*We will then choose 50 lucky winners and each will get a 10 euro coupon.
*We will also make a collage of the photos you send us and promote it on social media and our blog!
Are you up for the challenge? If your answer is yes, email us your photos (email: office{at}troutline.ro) ! Let’s clean and take care of our rivers!

I’m happy to see that first photos arrived in our inbox:
From Marian Sava:

And another few from Stefan and his friend, young local fishermen who cleaned their local river ( photos from this Spring ) and they will catch up with new photos from the following weekend.

Voicu Silviu with his friends -oh, lot of work there! Congrats guys, very nice of you!!!! 🙂

Munro Reid with with his black plastic bags full with trash

A new photo from Mārcis Strods from Latvia, some full of colour garbage from his local river Mazā Jugla from Latvia:

August 9, 2021
Superb initiative Lucian, well done! I will be going to the river on Friday and will bear this in mind.
August 10, 2021
thank you Lindsay, I hope that some of us will like the idea, even a small thing took from the river bank will help 🙂
August 11, 2021
Complimenti Lucian,
grande iniziativa ,con la speranza che riceva centinaia di adesioni!
Mauro Remo
August 22, 2021
Shame what is washed and discarded in our streams,our laziness and fast food is to blame in my book
August 24, 2021
Yes, agree, but if we try to make a small gesture and we pick up only a few things, I thing that we will have a better and cleaner river 🙂
August 10, 2021
Hi Lucian, this is your wonderful gesture to educate people (and I absolutely do not call them flyfisherman as would be the case since in the photo the main subject is “our” place because flyfisherman are the first and more than well aware of safeguard a priceless heritage such as the integrity of our nature, fauna and flora !!!) completely devoid of conscience, responsibility and education !!!!
Best wishes to you and all your team, and happy mid-August 2021.
August 10, 2021
Thank you Emanuele for your comment, very kind of you 🙂
August 17, 2021
Splendida iniziativa!!!
La sponsorizzerò fra tutti i miei amici moschisti.
August 18, 2021
Grazie Fabio, molto gentile 🙂
August 18, 2021
Ottima iniziativa !
August 24, 2021
Grazie Francesco 🙂
August 22, 2021
Sono iniziative di tutto rispetto senza ombra di dubbio. Anche noi per anni si organizzava la pulizia dei fiumi, ma alla fine non si risolve il problema gli incivili rimangono incivili. In Italia le sanzioni non esistono per questi comportamenti e perciò gli incivili continuano nei loro comportamenti. Bisogna colpire la fonte come in tanti stati, portarli a fare la pulizia dei fiumi, obbligati, e allora forse la lezione serve a qualcosa, oltre che a portarli nella natura.
August 24, 2021
Grazie Mauro, molto gentile 🙂
August 22, 2021
I’m glad I stumbled onto this page,it’s awesum…..need to here more from you
August 24, 2021
Thanks Russ! 🙂