UV Ribbing tinsel for perdigon flies

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We had new type or pearly-uv ribbing tinsel for perdigon flies. It has 0.2mm wide, it comes in very nice colors especially those used by modern fly fisherman for creating particular nymphs. These nymphs considered by some tiers, the new wave, are full of colors and a lot of synthetic materials are used. These pearly and UV materials are very shinny and some traditional tiers and fisherman refuse to use them. But the competitor anglers (in my pinion the top of the iceberg when we talking about new materials and new fishing technique ) prefer these flies for fishing.
The reason is in the fishing technique use: for example the inducing attack technique.
The fish respond to new new colors, sparkles and shades combined with the classic pattern, and they react very positive. These flies with these types of materials works like attractors.
So for example for the nymph bellow:

We use these types of tinsel:
Troutline Perdigon UV Flat Tinsel

The color cart can be seen bellow:

ultra violet





How is the materials:
-is delivered on standard sized spools made of wood – witch is very nice and classy
-is soft and easy to work with, has 0.2mm wide and 16-17m length
-is not heavy, means that can be used without any problem on dry flies , even on those very small
-perfect for small flies
-is resistant at fish teeth
-can be used for ribbing,
-can be used for making entire bodies
-can be used in adding an extra flash in streamers wing
-can be used for tailing
-can be used also for hot spots
-perfect for making buzzers with a funky look

Just to have an idea about possibilities when you use this tinsel, for example all flies from the photo bellow are tied with the same color of tinsel : pink!
perdigon tied with Troutline Perdigon UV Flat Tinsel
For example at the fly bellow I used an underbody made of body thread in light pink:


The next one is tied with hot pink underbody thread :

And another one, this time tied with black underbody thread:

We received great feedback from our testers and friends who had this new material in test. Frankly is very similar with the pearly tinsel from UTC but is not identical. Our is thinner and has many colors compared with UTC tinsel and the price is better 🙂
If you are in a mood to test and innovate some flies from your box, just use this material. We are sure that you will not regret and you will have great success!
You can check the product here, in our shop and please visit us from time to time to see new and innovative materials that will make you a better tier and a better fisherman 🙂
Troutline Perdigon UV Flat Tinsel

  • Paul linski jr
    June 21, 2024

    love the feed back and ideas for the perdigons ! thanks again we old school types can always use the help!

    • Lucian Vasies
      June 21, 2024

      Hi Paul, thanks for the comment, I’m glad you like the articles 🙂 my best wishes and have a great season 🙂

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