Mad Rabbit dubbing holds a special place on my tying desk, much like squirrel dubbing, both being one of my favourite dubbing, and that's because I use them for fresh river patterns. In the last 2-3years, hunters have shared bad news me: hare, crucial for obtaining Mad Rabbit dubbing, are becoming increasingly rare and ...
Sumo Power Thread – a super strong tying thread
In the fly tying world, the advent of Gel Spun Polyethylene (GSP) threads has marked a revolution due to its qualities. There are a lot of articles written about GSP, one of the most complex is the one written on the GFF Blog by Martin. In order not to write a long story with many ...
Hot Spotted Stripper Nymph
I present to you an old nymph, more precisely a version of her. My friends Mihai, Ferdi and Bogdan have been using it since 2005 and I since 2009. I use it especially in Sweden on big rivers like Vindel and Torne. It is really incredibly simple and effective not only for trout but especially for ...
Tying Riddle – guess the material used for the body
It's not complicated to guess, but I'm really curious how quickly the correct answer will come :) It doesn't matter the color, but exactly the source, the type of material. cheers, Lucian
Buggy Trout Nymph for beginners
I was talking to a friend who started making his own flies. He was extremely confused about where to start, what to do, and which models to copy. So, I sat with him at the table, and while talking, I gave him the model below: simple to make, without many construction elements, and effective at ...
Video- Tying and Octopus Quill Nymph
Here is the video where you can see the tying steps:
Peacock Octopus Nymph
It is quite difficult to beat good quality quill combined with a Hanak hook and natural grey CDC.The question: should we have it in the store?Materials:-Hanak #14 jig hook 480-Thread: black-Tail: hot orange thread-Body: Troutline hand stripped peacock quill - natural-Thorax: squirrel dubbing in natural-Hackle: Troutline CDC wild mallard -one turn! Tying tips: -use superglue to cement ...
CDC Octopus nymphs
If you want to diversify your autumn models, then you can consider the octopus nymphs. These hybrid type flies with an undefined allure that have a cdc collar with long barbels imitate both nymphs and emergers. This is an extraordinary advantage and in addition, the CDC is very mobile, it moves even if the fly ...
TroutLine Perdigon UV Resins
In summary, TroutLine offers two dedicated UV resins for crafting perdigon flies, both of which exhibit lower viscosity compared to traditional UV resin. Why? To facilitate easier application, to prevent the entrapment of air bubbles, to enable smoother and more efficient spreading across the nymphs' bodies. Ultra Thin, which is twice as thin as the ...
Universal nymph for trout fishing – the Holy Grail ?
Sometimes in our pursuit of the perfect fly, we tend to overcomplicate things. It's almost as if we're on a quest for the elusive "holy grail" of artificial flies. Yet, surprisingly often, we rediscover that the classic, time-tested, and seemingly mundane patterns are incredibly effective. I've had this realization multiple times over the years, and ...