The Scud Nymph-A Powerful Weapon in Your Fly Fishing Box

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The freshwater shrimp, gammarus shrimp, or scuds, as they are commonly known, are a native freshwater crustacean found in rivers, lakes, small streams, and ponds. These little creatures play a vital role in freshwater ecosystems as they are detritivores and may also consume algae, mainly diatoms. In addition, scuds are considered an indicator species for ...

Black Zonker Streamer – tied with Muskrat

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Black, white, and dirty white or cream-colored streamers are widely recognized as the most effective streamers in fly fishing. These colored streamers are essential for any angler's fly box, although there are times when other colors might prove more effective ( olive, yellow or brown olive for example). here is my black version of zonker streamer ...

PT Pupae with hot spot

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PT Pupae with hot spot is a type of stimulator and is perfect for aggressive fish. sometimes the fish react territorially and attack anything that passes in front of them, especially trout. This fly is perfect for such situations. I'm not saying you "can't live" without it, but it's fun to do :) There is nothing ...

PT jig Bug

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If you are thinking about what to tie for the new season, this PT Jig Bug is a simple, basic but very effective model. We often look for complicated things and ignore simple things. This model is one of them :) Materials: Hook: your favorite jig hook in size #12-20Thread: Brown - Veevus 10/0Body: Pheasant tail barbs ...