Pine Squirrel Skins

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I prefer to make my own dubbing as much as possible, especially if is about natural products. I always looking to find tanned skins because they represent a great source of fur for dubbing and I can cut in strips to tie my own zonkers. I prefer only tanned skins because the skin is ...

Grey Squirrel Bug Nymph

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It is a simple nymph for first part of fishing season. Can be tied on size #10-18 but big sizes are better for April and May. Hook: Demmon: G602 BL - #14 Thread: Veevus GSP 30DEN - white Tail: Veevus 6/0 Hot Orange Ribbing: Uni Gold Tinsel medium - gold Body : Troutline Pure Squirrel Dubbing Plus - color ...

New TroutLine Stickers

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We are happy to let you know guys that we have a new series of stickers in our shop. All these stickers are available for you and half of the price will be donated to a fishing association involved in restocking Transylvanian rivers with brown trout and grayling. So if you like them ...

Coch-y-Bondhu – Wet Fly tied by Jan

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Materials used: Hook: Hanák H280 #14Thread: Veevus 16/0 blackBody: Troutline Peacock HerlTip: Gold TinselRib: 0,08mm tungsten wireLegs: Brown Hen It is a classic wet fly loved by those nice guys who use dry flies and wet flies. The fly works entire Summer, in fact is effective from late Spring till Autumn with a huge spike in June ...

Argentinian Hare Bug -Olive Gray

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Hook: Demmon N500 #12 Thread: Veevus GSP Ribbing: Veevus Fluo Orange Thread Tail: Coq de Leon Pardo Medio Body: Argentinian Dubbing : AH1, AH2 and AH8 combined Tungsten: Black The fly is super simple, you can make it in different color combinations. I personally find the olive, yellow and gray combination very efficient on waters from Poland , Italy and ...