Recipe: Hooks: G600 Demmon #10-12 Thread: Veevus GSP Body: Nutria green dubbing Ribbing: gold wire from Uni Thorax: Nutria dark dubbing Hot Spot: Veevus orange thread Bead: Tungsten black nickel 3mm Here is the video:
Tango Shrimp -By Andy Saunders
Recipe: Hook - Demmon G602 #12Thread - Textreme Black 8/0Rib - Textreme Fl Orange FlossRib - UTC Olive wireBody- Troutline Super Spike DubbingShell - Sybai Shellback Andy is a super talented tier and fisherman from UK which is a great friend with us and he helps us in developing materials. You can see how Andy is making this ...
Tying Riddle – guess the hackle :)
Hi guys, Who wants to guess what is the hackle from? First 5 answers will get a a coupon code of 15% Discount for all range of tying materials from TroutLine. cheers! Lucian
Dubbing test – textures
Here is a short article about natural dubbing texture. I made a few photos with the same fly tied with different dubbing. To try to keep the same tying conditions I just dubbed the fur on tying thread and I did not use wax. I used Demmon G602 in size #12 for all flies ...
Tying with Uni Yarn – for beginners
A few good weeks we received the Uni-Yarn bobbins. We received this product in our TroutLine shop for the first time. After tying a few flies I rapidly became a huge fun. The thread is really fantastic, it has a great softness, great structure , not too thick, not too thin. And not the ...
What you can do with CDC feathers scraps
What you can do with CDC feathers scraps? - The answer is simple: lots of things from dubbing to all kind of flies. I never throw away cdc feathers used for other flies. For example if I use patterns where I need the tips only and I clip them, I put the rest of feathers ...
Brown Micro Streamer -by Tommy Solberg
It is a simple and very effective streamer made by Tommy. Depending of size of the hook you can use any kind of zonker fur strips you like. From cheap brown rabbit to more expensive squirrel, weasel and mink dyed fur can be used. Video with details made by Tommy ( cool video by the ...
Red Quill CDC Sedge by Tommy Solberg
Hook: Ahrex Dry fly hook Thread: Rusty red Body: Peacock Quill dyed red Wing: CDC Khaki Campbell It is a simple and effective cdc fly tied in the purist and classic way. This pattern is popular all over in Europe and is used from early Spring till late in Autumns and early Winter time. It will catch trout ...
Adams rods – test field
I have the pleasure to test the rods fishing this year in early April. I spent 4 days with Jan Rozman the Adams Ambassador for Slovenia. A few words about this Adams Fly Rods brand : is new and is from Spain ! All rods are made based on years of testing on local rivers ...
Nutria Dubbing
Nutria dubbing is coming from Nutria animal. Nutria is known also as Coypu an herbivore animal from America. Is smaller than beaver and larger than muskrat. This animal lives in burrows alongside stretches of water in South America. later was introduced in North America, Europe and Asia . The fur was the reason for that. ...