In Autumn fish are more picky and they eat small flies. Not because they do not love to eat big and succulent sedge or stone flies but in Autumn are a lot of midge and small flies. Based on these facts trout and grayling are feeding in frenzy with small and very small flies which ...
Slovenia 2020 Fly fishing report
Fishing these days is is difficult due to the pandemic situation. Almost all of us fish locally because in this way the risk of infection is reduced. I decided to take a short fishing holiday in Slovenia. Fishing there is about passion for fishing, magic rivers, great local friends and excellent local food. All ...
Simple realistic buzzer for beginners
Until now, tying semi-realistic buzzers was not my favourite way to spend time. I hate when I do not make a proper segmentation. The UK guys are masters when we talk about these flies and I admire their work. These days Troutline Shop received a new stock of realistic tying materials and I started to ...
Swimming FX emerger
Usually I tie this fly as simple as possible with natural materials only. Especially for body I use peacock quill. But lots of tiers do not find good quality quills and for this reason synthetic quill appeared in tying world. One brand who is produce good quality synthetic quill is the Serbian company: Hemingway's So ...
Flytying tips for beginners – be organised :)
Hi guys, I received a few emails with requests from fishermen about tying tips , how to make easy, faster and better their flies. I never had in mind to do that because there are plenty of tying books. But anyway I decided to share from my experience about how ...
Austria fishing report -July 2020
Some of us we have to stay safe and travelling during this pandemic situation is risky. Not so much fishing :( But we have friends blessed with a beautiful country: Austria. Bernd and Manuel are our Austrian Pro Team members and they are lucky to fish each weekend :) So, for those who ...
Testing polarised eyeglasses -Costa del Mar, Smith, Devaux
Gabriel asked me to "escape" a few days from our jobs :) Hurrah! we jumped in his car and we hit the road from Romania to Slovenia. 10 hours driving and we arrived at Zoran's place :). I started fishing early in morning from 5:30am till late in the day until 10:00pm. I ...
Which fly do you use these days? Share it if is not a secret:)
Hi guys, all of us we are out fishing and enjoying Summer. The subject of this article is your favourite fly of these days. What model do you use in this period. I was thinking to try to put together photos from you as much as possible and to make a nice ...
Super slim Bugs and GRHE Nymphs
If you fish in shallow waters then light weighted or no weighted nymphs should be used. These type of nymphs will sink slower, will behave more natural and if they are tied with dubbing will look more interesting for trout. Here is a few version from my box, flies used in small rivers with ...
Jan Tomecek Sedge flies for pandemic times
For majority of us blocked in our homes by this ugly disease called Covid-19 fishing is a dream. But fortunately we have our tying time to fill our waiting hours. Jan Tomecek, our talented Czech tier and fishing guide propose us a few superb flies not difficult to tie. You need the proper materials and ...