I’m very happy to receive a few superb photos about Spring fishing in Austria. These photos are from Manuel and Bernd- our TroutLine Pro Team members They are very lucky because they live in the heart of Europe – the beautiful Austria in an area where superb rivers are flowing and big trout and grayling are ...
Tricolor Trout Buggy Nymph
Classic flies always work there is no doubt. But sometimes, when we fish on rivers with high fishing pressure it is better if we use new flies. Personally I love to use classic flies but in these situations i tie slightly variations like this one presented. Recipe: strong hook in size 10-14tungsten bead in any color ...
CDC May Fly Competition – Results
With a small delay generated by Coronavirus situation here are the photos received from participants. All flies look great, all of them catch fish without any doubt. Some if them are complicated to tie and needs a lot of tying skills- really art. Others are clean superb tied with a great waterprint. The winners ...
Guess the material used for the spider bellow – Tying Riddle
Hi guys, Here is a new riddle for you: you have to guess what is used for body. Common, Is not difficult:) This superb fly was generated long years ago in North Transylvania by a local teacher who is a fantastic fisherman and tier. The fly is tied simple as possible like all ...
Jan Tomeček – a new TroutLine Pro Team member
We are very happy to announce you that we have a new Pro Team member from Czech Republic: Jan Tomeček . He is talented fly tier who is very active in tying world from Czech Republic. He is a great photographer and his flies are beautifully photographed and published on Instagram and Facebook. I invite you ...
San Juan worms, squirmies, and all kind of worm nymphs
San Juan Worm is a classic nymph which imitates the earth worms. It is nice, vivid, easy to tie, practically a hit in those time. Even today fishermen from US ( the place where this nymph appeared ) use it with fantastic results In Europe similar flies where tied in Poland, Czech Republic and other ...
Tying Educational -Riddle- guess the body material
I think I have an interesting tying riddle here: Guess the body material used for this fly below. This fly is tied based on old model received long time ago. My dear wife asked me to take care of my old things and clean my "non useful stuff. So I found an old metal box where ...
Fly Tying Contest – your CDC Mayfly
With this situation almost of us we have plenty of time to make flies. Of course my wife put me to take care of noisy doors, vacuum, take care of stuff from house. After I finished all these tasks I received the"green light" to take care of my tying things. I was thinking ...
Fishing tips: Choosing your nymphs for starting season
Something that I had in mind for several days : nymphs for starting season. My flies for starting season are different from what I use in Summer and Autumn because water is different and fish behaves different. Usually in March water is very cold and fish can be found in 2 places depending of ...
Sedge for picky fish -tied by Thomas Roos
Here is another beautiful sedge tied by Thomas. The small sized dry sedges are for picky fish, big sized sedge are perfect for fast flowing rivers and strong currents With a superb water-print, this fly will be a great favorite pattern for lots of us :) Materials: CDC grey for bodyhackle and legs made of ...