Materials used: Demmon D400BL #12-16 Thread: any kind you like Body and legs made of Troutline Deer Hair Abdomen made of cdc fixed in split thread and tied under the deer hair The fly was created by Thomas Roos based on the classic Goddard Sedge. Thomas modified the original pattern in order to meet his local ...
Would you like to win a Vosseler Vice?
Everybody can win a Vosseler Vice (Silver Edition)! It is a Troutline offer for all tiers and is valid only for January 2019. To be qualified and to have that chance to enter in the withdraw you need to follow a few rules: *be a Troutline client and to place in January at least ...
Spent CDC Flies
Spent CDC Flies ca be tied very easy if you have the proper CDC. Here is a version that I like to make to imitate a spent ephemera and is tied only with CDC barbs (means barbs stripped from the feather stem).For a size #14 I used the barbs for 3 feathers to make the ...
Dun Quills CDC flies
These flies are probably the most efficient CDC flies tied with body made of peacock quill. They are simple and efficient if you choose the right color and the right size. The wing is made of CDC tied using combined technique. Floats excellent, easy to notice on the water, great water print, there ...
Duracell Nymph
This fly was generated by a fantastic UK fishermen and tier: Craig Mcdonald They fly works fantastic in fast rivers and stretch parts behind rocks where trout and grayling are located. I tested this fly this Summer, frankly is very colored fly and not on my taste because I prefer to use more natural colored ...
Tying Riddle: Guess the size of the hook and the body material
Sometimes grayling and trout eat only midges and larvae. Here is one that I love it. i started tying it years ago when I hooked an submerged branch rotted and full with small midges. I switch from my pheasant tail nymphs used and I started to catch better and bigger fish. From that moment I ...
Spanish Bomb Perdigon
Ok guys, there is no bomb, only a super heavy nymph called "the perdigon bomb". What is special at this fly: colors and weight. The under-body is made of tungsten Javi and the body is super colored in hot shades to attract the fish attention. No tail no dubbing, only resin coating ...
Video Tying- CDC and Quill Emerger
Tying Recipe: *Hook Demmon DGE 320 #16 *Thread: 70 Den - white *Tail: a few barbs of white uv lite brite dubb *Body: Troutline Hand cleaned peacock quill *Thorax: Troutline Thorax dark dubbing *Wing: CDC natural grey or dark grey feathers - 3 pcs *Hackle: one turn of Partridge neck hackle dyed picric
Simple Peacock Quill and CDC Emergers
These Simple Peacock Quill and CDC Emergers are easy to tie and can be used for lake fishing and river fishing in the same time. The #14 should be the biggest size used. I prefer to tie on size #16 but sometimes I go down even on #20 and 22. I like the sparkle from thorax but ...
Parachute emerger – by Roberto Groppetti
This fly is a fantastic model for fishing in fast flowing torrents and rivers. It was developed after years of experience and practice by Roberto Groppetti, a famous Italian tier which is also member of Troutline Pro Team. What I personally love is how deer hair is applied as hackle. The technique is mastered in a ...