If you are thinking about what to tie for the new season, this PT Jig Bug is a simple, basic but very effective model. We often look for complicated things and ignore simple things. This model is one of them 🙂
- Hook: your favorite jig hook in size #12-20
- Thread: Brown – Veevus 10/0
- Body: Pheasant tail barbs ( from ring-neck pheasant rooster center tail) in natural color
- Ribbing: copper wire and micro ribbing quill in orange
- Bead: slotted tungsten – oversized to help the fly sink faster
- Thorax: Mad rabbit dubbing – natural fixed in dubbing loop
PT jig bug is a practical fly, excellent for the beginning of the season. It can be made in various variations, more complicated and with more types of added materials. Your imagination is the limit 🙂
February 24, 2023
Bonjour Lucian
Pour la première fois depuis que j’ai commencé la pêche à la mouche je fais un voyage en Slovénie en juin prochain et j’aurais aimé avoir quelques exemples de sèches efficaces à monter moi même
Merci de ta réponse
February 24, 2023
Salut Pierre,
Où voulez-vous aller en Slovénie ? Je connais personnellement certaines rivières comme la Sava (Dolinka et Bohinjka), la Soca et l’Idrijca.