PT Pupae with hot spot is a type of stimulator and is perfect for aggressive fish. sometimes the fish react territorially and attack anything that passes in front of them, especially trout. This fly is perfect for such situations. I’m not saying you “can’t live” without it, but it’s fun to do 🙂
There is nothing complicated in this fly, only the materials are very vivid and colorful:
- Hook is Demmon G602 BL #14
- Thread from Veevus 10/0 rusty brown
- Body is made of natural pheasant tail – long barbs where brown is dominant
- Ribbing is made with UV micro ribbing quill in pink color
- Thorax is made of attractor dubbing – color code 01
- Hot spot is made of veevus fluo orange
- The bead is 2.8mm tungsten in silver color

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