PT7 Troutline Pheasant Tail nymph is simple to tie and effective in dark waters. What I like at this fly is the sparkle that can be seen very well by fish no matter how deep is the river or how muddy it is. I use it in cloudy and rainy days and for me is a must nymph for these kind of conditions.
- Demmon fly hook G602 #12-16
- Thread: UTC Orange
- Body: Pheasant barbs in natural color
- Tail: Coq de Leon – Indio Rubion
- Ribbing: Wire in copper but sometimes I use wire in red or blue
- Thorax: Mad Rabbit Dubbing Plus Black Pepper combined with Troutline Rainbow Dubbing White-Violet or you can use a ready mixed dubbing called “thorax dark dubbing“
- Cover: Troutline Mylar Band 2mm wide – ice pearl
August 29, 2019
Nice fly! Are the ‘legs’ just from the dubbing mix? Are there detailed instructions on how to tie this? I’m a beginner fly tier. thanks!
August 29, 2019
Hi Robert, I’m happy that you like it. The tying process is simple, when you make the dubbing just use a dubbing loop, fix hare spiky dubbing or squirrel dubb. Twist it and with a few turns make the thorax. Use a small brush to arrange the thorax to look spiky and that is all 🙂
Just a small hint: make the thorax as sparse as possible. If you put too much dubbing the fly will look fat.