Red Quill Spent CDC Mayfly is simple to tie and very speedy.
Hook: Demmon Competition D410 #14
Thread: UTC brown
Tail: Coq de Leon
Body: Troutline Hand Stripped Peacock Quill
Wing: Troutline Natural Grey CDC fixed in spent
Thorax: Troutline Rusty Squirrel Dubbing
I love to fish this fly! It is for late day fishing, usually after 6pm will start hatching Red Quill Ephemerae. Generally this is happening in May, June and first part of Jully. Dun stage of the insects will be all over in the aer but soon spent flies will float in abundance of the rivers. That is the moment to use this Quill Spent CDC Mayfly. My advice is to wait a little bit longer till big trout will start to raise after them. That will happens a little bit later, around 8-9pm and even 10pm!
After each fish you have to wash the fly otherwise will not float. Just rub the fly in current using your fingers so that the water will was away the fish slim. Then dry it with an amadou and cast it again. No needed to use floating gel, in fact I rarely use floatants. If the fly is well washed will float perfectly!
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