The fly is simple, just a bunch of snow shoe fibers for wing, body made of dubbing and ribbed with tinsel ( I used perdigon flat tinsel in pearl color ). What is different compared with other similar flies is the hook. I tie this fly on jig because it gives a more better position in water and a strong hook-up. Another tip is to let the bunch of snowshoe fibers long enough to keep the fly floating in any kind of conditions.
Tying recipe:
Hook: DJS 300BL #12-14-16
Thread: UTC in orange for hot spot and Uni Trico for body
Body: cream hare dubbing
Hot Spot: UTC Orange
Ribbing: Troutline UV Flat perdigon – pearl
Wing:snowshoe hare fibers
Thorax: Troutline Thorax Dubbing- Dark
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