I tied a few nymphs with the new Squirmy wormy materials. made in USA by Spirit River this soft type silicone based material started to be very popular in tying world. Is used mainly for tying worm types of flies also called San Juan Worm flies. Compared with traditional materials like dubbing, chenille, threads and feathers, this squirmy wormy is more a soft type of lure similar with soft lures used in spinning fishing and soft lure fishing. The material is practically a silicone solid tube, very soft and vibrant, full of movement and have a diameter of 2.5mm. Easy to be used even by a beginner will aloud everybody to tie fast a nymph that will have in water movements like no other flies. I tested these flies first on black bass and here I put a report on Global Fly Fisher about these squirmy nymphs. By the way – Globalflyfisher is a fantastic site with a lot of content about fly fishing and fly tying and I highly recommend to visit it and bookmark it. A few days later I tested these nymphs on trout in different rivers , also with big success. Will make another report about fishing trout with these flies.
I’m an open mind fishermen, I like to test all types of materials no mater if they are synthetic or natural. Probably some purists will consider this material inappropriate for fly fishing and they probably right. Anyway I like to test new materials and this fly is my recommendation for everybody for starting season when rivers are high and color of water is white or muddy. Squirmy wormy nymphs can be considered an all around flies together with classic GRHE pattern and Pheasant Tail variants.

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