Trilobal Dubbing is a new spiky synthetic dubbing from Sybai. The material is super brite colored with translucent look when gets wet. The texture is perfect for tying collars for nymphs or for making bodies for English and Irish type of loch flies. I personally like it because has a nice spiky texture, can be mixed very well with other type of dubbing and looks very nice on flies.
Bellow some colors that are really nice, just to have an idea about how trilobal dubbing looks. You can find it here in troutline shop: Trilobal Dubbing
March 1, 2019
The Trilobal Dubbing is very nice but…what is the material used on the abdomen?
Thanks in advance
March 1, 2019
Hi David,
The body/abdomen is made of pheasant barbs. The fly is tied on size #14 hook and the hot spot is made of UV resin hot orange.