Usually the trout bug nymphs are more hairy and bigger compared with flies used for grayling. Trout loves to hunt and big nymphs are what this fish like.
Based on my experience in years of fishing I made a special box with nymphs that works especially for trout and I use in the first part of the season. These flies are in Troutline catalog too:
Troutline Tactical Jig Buggy Nymph
Troutline Tactical Olive Buggy Nymph
Materials used:
Hook Demmon DGH 900 #12-14
Thread: 8/0 Uni Thread
Body: Troutline Pure Squirrel dubb – olive
Hackle: Troutline Selected Partridge – back area
Thorax: Troutline Hybrid dubbing – salt and pepper color
Ribbing: Troutline UV Flat perdigon tinsel in pearl color
Bead: Tungsten
Troutline Tactical Buggy GRHE Nymph
Materials used:
Hook Demmon DGH 900 #12-14
Thread: 8/0 Uni Thread
Body: Troutline Spike Dubbing – natural
Hackle: Troutline Selected Partridge
Ribbing: green Uni Tinsel
Bead: Tungsten
December 4, 2016
I notice that you get a very good-looking “shaggy” or spikey effect with your dubbing technique, but the fibers are not overly long. Please explain how you do this. Is it accomplished by brushing out the dubbing, then trimming it before winding the rib, or with a dubbing loop, etc.? Your flies look excellent!
December 6, 2016
Sorry David for missing your comment. Just answered. Let me know if is clear. If not I will try to make a tutorial, ok?